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Bac Giang territory where three great rivers flowing through with the total length of 347 km, large water flow and have water all time of the year. The system of ponds, lakes, marshes, groundwater have sizable reserves. The amount of surface water, rainwater, groundwater afford water supply for economic sectors and activities, particularly on the river water resources as follows:

 -Cau River: Cau River has total length of 290 km, flows through the region of Bac Giang with the length of 101 km. Cau River has two major branches located at the right bank of the Cong River and Ca Lo River. CauRiver water flow at 4.2 billion m3 annually. Now have irrigation systems served CauRiver water for the districts: Tan Yen, Viet Yen and Hiep Hoa, a part of Bac Giang city and Phu Binh district of Thai Nguyen province.

- Luc NamRiver: LucNamRiver with total length of about 175 km, flows through the territory of Bac Giang province about 150 km in length, including major branches are: Cam Dan, Thanh Luan, Ran and Bo River. Annual water flow of about 1.86 billion m3. Currently in LucNamRiver system, about 170 works are built mainly dams to serve water for the districts: Son Dong, Luc Ngan and Luc Nam.

- Thuong River: ThuongRiver with 87 km in length, there are major branches: HoaRiverSoiRiver and TrungRiver. Annual water flow of about 1.46 billion m3. On ThuongRiver, Cau Son irrigation system was built to serve Lang Giang district, a part of the districts: Luc Nam, Yen Dung, BacGiangCity.

- Some big lakes: Bac Giang has 70 large reservoirs with a total area of 5,000 ha, some lakes have sizable water area and reserves including Cam Son Lake with water reserves of about 307 million m3; Suoi Nua Lake with reserves of about 6.27 million m3; Ho Cao Lake with reserves of approximately 1,151 million m3; Cay Da Lake, about 2.97 million m3 of reserves and Suoi Mo Lake with about 2.024 million m3 reserve ...

- Groundwater resources: The volume of groundwater in Bac Giang estimated at 0.13 billion m3/year, groundwater quality is quite good, used in activities and irrigation in agriculture; however underground water distribution is uneven, mainly concentrated in some midland districts like: Lang Giang, Tan Yen, Hiep Hoa, Viet Yen and Yen Dung.


Bac Giang has many lakes with large water reserves and beautiful scenery.

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