PPC’s Chairman Nguyen Van Linh welcomed volunteer of JICA

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On 7th July 2015, PPC’s Chairman Nguyen Van Linh welcomed Ms. Yamaguchi Rika - Senior Advisor of JICA Volunteer program and Mr Naya Setsuo - Senior Volunteer who will teach Japanese in Bac Giang Department of Foreign Affairs.

Within the framework of Vietnam - Japan development co-operation program, Government of Vietnam and Japan have agreed to implement the Cooperation Program Japanese Overseas Volunteers with the aim of promoting technical cooperation between the two countries. Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) has introduced Japanese volunteers in the province on the main areas: education, health, agriculture and rural development. Over the years, through the Ministry of Planning and Investment and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Bac Giang province has received more than 10 volunteers in 3 above areas. The volunteers were evaluated with more experience, knowledge of advanced techniques of Japan.

At the meeting, Ms Rika Yamaguchi introduced Mr Naya Setsuo will assume the position senior volunteer teaching Japanese language in Bac Giang Department of Foreign Affairs from 2015 to 2016 period. Then, Mr Naya Setsuo thanked the Chairman for his warmly welcome and hoped that his teaching Japanese language in Bac Giang will help people know more about the culture, language and people of Japan. He hoped to share his Japanese with officials at Bac Giang Department of Foreign Affairs.

In response, Chairman Nguyen Van Linh welcomed Mr Naya Setsuo to Bac Giang as volunteer to teach Japanese. He said Bac Giang province further attract Japan investors to Bac Giang, so studying Japanese is very nessesary for provincial official staffs. Chairman Nguyen Van Linh confirmed Bac Giang province always create favorable conditions for JICA volunteers in the process of working in Bac Giang./.

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